Gods & Generals — Shaara

Gods & Generals — Shaara
By Jeff Shaara In this brilliantly written epic novel, Jeff Shaara traces the lives, passions, and careers of the great military leaders from the first gathering clouds of the Civil War. Here is Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, a hopelessly by-the-book military instructor and devout Christian who becomes the greatest commander of the Civil War; Winfi...
The Twentieth Maine — Pullen

The Twentieth Maine — Pullen
By John Pullen The fascinating story of Joshua Chamberlain [Bowdoin Class of 1852] and his volunteer regiment, the Twentieth Maine, is reprinted with a new foreword by Civil War historian and UCLA professor Joan Waugh. Pullen's classic and highly acclaimed book tells how Chamberlain and his men fought at Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellors...

At Every Hazard: Joshua Chamberlain and the Civil War
By Matthew Langdon Cost Joshua Chamberlain and the Civil War: At Every Hazard is a historical novel about one of that war’s genuine heroes, a college professor with no formal military training who, together with a small company of men, turned the tide of the battle and the war with a bayonet charge at Gettysburg. This was not the end of his expl...

Blessed Boyhood — Chamberlain 1852
By Joshua L. Chamberlain, Class of 1852 Annotations by Thomas A. Desjardin and David K. Thomson '08; foreword by U.S. Senator Angus S. King, Jr. H‘07; edited by Richard Lindemann Published in Commemoration of the Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain's early memoir is published in its entirety here for the first ...